All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 388 February 12 1927
Front cover as above.
front cover - 3 boxers: Terry Balbock, Johnny Hill, Roland Todd
footballing highlights include:
photographs: G. W. Beale and W. Dougal (Burnley) racing on childrens bicycles! Birmingham players listening to their trainer Scholey, Ruffell (West Ham), P. Richards (Cardiff City) L. Page (Burnley), Hughey Gallagher (Newcastle), A.Maitland (Newcastle), Holland v. Germany in Amsterdam,
featured articles:
inner secrets of football, completion of weeks news
gossip of the week
article by J. A. H. Catton - 12 founders of league football, fate of the clubs which started the great points system
Cup, Championship, or both? chance of Middlesbrough or Newcastler United acomplishing the double
Billy Minter the new man in charge at Tottenham
A Eruopean Championship? amazing progress of the soccer game on the continent by Captain A. J. Prince-Cox