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All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 418 September 10 1927

All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 418 September 10 1927

All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 418 September 10 1927

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Price: £14.95

All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 418 September 10 1927
Front cover as above. unknown greyhounds

Footballing highlights include:
Photographs: Sunderland's three new signings, Dick Pimm with his two sons (Bolton), H. J. Boston (Bolton) with wife, Harold Pierson (West Bromwich), Matt Bell (Hull City)
Featured articles:
inner secrets of football, completion of weeks news, gossip of the week
Article by J. A. H. Catton - football's mighty midget (article about Fanny Walden) includes photograph
What I have heard exclusive news to All Sports by the little bird
Sid Puddefoot explains football fame
Interesting article: the 200 goal men featuring Joe Smiths slight lead of Buchon
Pen drawing of George Camsell

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