All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 485 December 22 1928
Front cover as above.
Footballing highlights include:
Photographs: Fred Tunstall (Sheffield United)
Featured articles:
inner secrets of football, completion of weeks news, gossip of the week
article by J. A. H. Catton - Striving for the cup: New Home for the trophy would be welcome
What I have heard exclusive news to all sports by the little bird
Full page Pen Drawing by J. Walker - 'Football's old fashioned Christmas' plus small presceant cartoon talking about advertising football which discusses outlandish ideas of adverts on football shirts!
A. A. Evans (Barking)
the value of the plodder (J. E. Oakley, Sunderland)
back cover: large interesting photograph of Ewood Park from the air (Blackburn Rovers)
Besides football content, every issue contains articles on Billiards, Rugby, Horseracing and Boxing as well as a short story.