All Sports Illustrated Weekly Number 522 September 7 1929
Front cover as above. pen drawing of British heavyweight Phil Scott
Footballing highlights include:
Photographs: Burmingham Players in training, C. E. Glenister (Porsmouth), A. Valentine (Cardiff City), Barnsley team in training
Featured articles:
inner secrets of football, completion of weeks news, gossip of the week
pen drawing by J. Walker entitled Speedway sketches
a word about formations on the field by David Jack
What I have heard exclusive news to all sports by the little bird
full page article and photograph of David Caldarhead (Chelsea's Manager)
back cover: Eddy Hufton (West Ham) showing his little daughter, Eva, the correct way to kick
Besides football content, every issue contains articles on Billiards, Rugby, Horseracing and Boxing as well as a short story.